
2017: Star Care Health Services inducted into Odessa Business Hall of Fame

Ravi Shakamuri is the owner of Star Care Health Services, employing 150 local Odessans offering home health, hospice, and DME services in addition to technology services for hospitals. Born in India, Shakamuri graduated from All Saints High School in 1975 and went on to attend Andhra University in 1983 graduating with a Masters in Marine Biology.

In 1989, Shakamuri voyaged to the U.S. to attend Texas Tech University, graduating with an M.S. in Management. Prior to starting Star Care, Shakamuri was the Regional Director for Seton Healthcare’s West-central region covering three states.

To date, Shakamuri has been in home health, hospice, and DME for 20 years and his priority has been to support Medical Center, ORMC, Midland Memorial, Permian Regional, Nor-Lea Hospitals and Texas Oncology clinics with the prevention of readmissions and improving clinical outcomes (www.starcareonline.com).

Shakamuri owns Star Tech Group, a company that uses “Avatar” technology to strengthen student (6th grade through college & career) learning skills, retention, graduation & career ready in partnership with UTPB and Region 18 school districts (www.avatarplatform.com). Shakamuri also owns “Acclaim Global Education”, an India based company that provides similar services to students in India (www.acclaimglobal.net).

Shakamuri’s success stems from his philosophy that states: “Without making excuses, focus on the positive. Work with the right people who share a common value system to deliver a solution that strengthens individuals, institutions, and communities to collaborate and succeed.”

“Odessa as a city has been a remarkable place to be able to work with great individuals and institutions on this journey” said Shakamuri. “We wish to thank the Odessa Chamber and many of its members who we have continued to have the pleasure of working with to make a difference.

Shakamuri and his wife Madhu have been married for 26 years. Together, they have one son, Nithin.



Ravi with Austin Keith

Odessa Chamber of Commerce President


Ravi Shakamuri


2013 Community Statesmen Award in Business by Heritage of Odessa Foundation

Honoring with a blue-ribbon, community-wide panel selects local individuals, living or deceased, for their extraordinary contributions or exceptional public service. Recipients and their families are honored at an annual awards presentation which spotlights their civic involvement as worthy examples for future generations.

“To be recognized in the Business Category by the Heritage Foundation of Odessa is an honor that is cherished by me personally and professionally by all of our “Star Care” family team members providing Home Health, Hospice & Home medical Services in addition to Cutting Edge Software Solutions to strengthen Hospitals, Schools and Colleges”, according to Ravi Shakamuri, CEO of Star Care Health Services.


Ravi with Austin Keith

Odessa Chamber of Commerce President


Ravi with Madhu & Nithin Shakamuri


2013 Heritage of Odessa Foundation: Community Statesman Award Winners

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